Nectars, 2016 - SOLD
This is one of 2 full scale boxes I made this summer. It's called, "Nectars," and is about being buried under addiction. Right now the vials have innocent things in them, herbs, sugar, sodium bicarbonate, etc. Most likely, by this time next year, the vials will actually contain mind and mood altering substances. On the agenda: unprocessed opium, psilocybin mushroom, marijuana, absinthe, sugar and coffee. My friend said he would get me a mushroom, so we'll see if that happens.
Nectars (taken by the window) 2016
To create the edges I got a copper slurry paint and patina...along the edge you can still see the copper. The variegated aqua color is from the oxidation...I chose this material because I wanted it to look like frosting, or like powdered sugar.
what the edge looks like.