Yurt 2019

Well. Not what I expected.

I suppose I should start by saying that I went with certain goals in mind. Maybe my goals were set too high, but I don’t think so…Actually, maybe they were set too high in light of the circumstances.

Yurt location: Sandwiched in between 2 streets on the north and south, and families with small children on either side. Directly (like feet) behind my yurt: an electrical box. Nothing exactly wrong with the kids on either side…they were just kids, which means LOUD. And hey, guess what! I might be able to deal with some of the noise, if it weren’t for the time of day.

I always wonder what people who are up being noisy at the ungodly time of 7 AM, would think if I made the exact same noises they did, but @ 2 AM or even midnight. They would be very offended. And yet, they think nothing of the noise when it’s in the morning. Folks? 7 AM is too EARLY for that kind of noise.

Weather: The first day = RAIN. Lots of it. The second day: rain, intermittently. So I decided to go out and walk around a bit. In actuality, I walked around A LOT. I walked all over Fort Stevens. It was one of the things I’d really wanted to do there, as the buildings are quite dramatic. But some of the buildings were no longer there, and the oddest buildings were roped off. I did get a good walk in, though.

I then toured Astoria. And all told for the day, I ended up walking more than my body wanted to, and my plantar fasciitis kicked up. Oh well, right? But it means I never got to the beach.

My kitty sitter, Gina, was not as communicative as usual and said that Jinju “made appearances” but I took it to mean he was mostly in hiding. She also said that she didn’t have her phone with her to take any pix of them…but??? she is pretty attached to her phone, so I ended up worrying about the cats.

On Wednesday I received texts from 3 colleagues and 1 student. (meaning I chose a time too close to the quarter for my excursion) AND . . . well, maybe I should stop complaining.

The good stuff: I got a lot done INSIDE the yurt. I wrote a bit…I thought a lot and came to some good conclusions. And I didn’t miss the game as much as I thought I would. I also made friends with a very fat squirrel, and met some friendly people.

I need to return to Astoria and stay in a motel in town if I want to get a better feel for the city. I’m still thinking of moving there, but have more doubts about it this time than last. And next time I stay in a yurt, I need to book more in advance so I can get a better location. I also think I would like to have a wilder experience, and should think about going somewhere less controlled.

WTH is going on in the top left photo? Never happened before! I suppose something happened inside my phone. the photo on the right: I had a mirror in my yurt that had been melted in the middle. I had some fun with it!